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BMO and Cara honored by Austin Coming Together for BMORE program

Cara Collective’s 30 years of workforce development experience has been crucial to providing BMORE Chicago cohorts the readiness and resources needed to succeed. BMO is proud to announce that we received Austin Coming Together (ACT)’s Excellence in Living Wage Careers for our collective work with the BMORE Initiative. Recipients of this award display exemplary work in Austin and embody ACT’s core values of collaboration, transparency, unity, commitment and action. 

Earlier this month, BMO attended ACT’s Membership Awards ceremony, where they shared their upcoming work and recognized the members, partners and leaders who have made significant contributions to advancing the organization’s mission.

2023 Excellence in Living Wage Career Award trophy
2023 Excellence in Living Wage Career Award

“BMO is proud to be recognized for our BMORE program by Austin Coming Together. Our commitment to an inclusive society is why we partner with organizations to create workforce development programs for talent from under-resourced communities. We are excited for the future of the program and look forward to continuing to expand into new markets.” 

– Julie Garfield
Manager, Distribution Community Impact Initiative

Aligned with BMO’s committed to promoting an inclusive and thriving economy, ACT is an anchor in the community, offering assistance for services including workforce development, housing, employment, internet services and utilities for residents of Austin. This recognition is a testament to BMO’s partnership with Cara and the work we’re doing through the BMORE program to improve the quality of life for the Austin community.

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