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Sustainability in our spaces

April 16, 2020 | Sustainability

At BMO, we recognize that climate change is one of the major global challenges of our time, and we strive to be a leader in environmental sustainability.

Today, many of us are not going to work in our office buildings, and we’re adjusting to new ways of working remotely. We’ve powered down many of our spaces, and like many other companies and countries, we’re seeing the environmental benefits of doing so. While we can’t operate with the lights off 24/7, we’re leveraging our robust energy management program to continuously evaluate the spaces we work in as we aim to improve our environmental impact year-round.

Building sustainably for the future

Driven by our Purpose, we’re building innovative and environmentally-conscious spaces that enable greater collaboration, foster more creative work and deliver an industry-leading human and intuitive customer experience.

For projects like the BMO Urban Campus and the BMO Towers in Chicago and Milwaukee, we make sustainability a focus from the ground up. We source building materials that are largely recyclable, and for materials such as paint, adhesive and sealants, we choose options that emit zero to low volatile organic compounds.

Our new buildings will feature more efficient HVAC systems for heating and cooling, which will help reduce energy consumption and emissions. We’ll be installing LED smart lights that power down meeting rooms and offices when they’re not in use. And we’ll further reduce energy consumption by finding new ways to bring natural light into our spaces (also known as daylighting). Once opened, the BMO Urban Campus will disperse natural light through two four-story atriums, as well as 12-foot high windows.

“With over 1,800 facilities globally, reducing energy consumption and improving our energy efficiency is the single biggest impact we can make to reduce our environmental footprint,” says George Della Rocca, Global Head, Corporate Real Estate. “That’s why BMO incorporates environmental best practices throughout every stage of our building life cycle. Our focus on sustainability – whether on energy, the materials used in buildings, or how we manage waste – guides us in making the best decisions to Boldly Grow the Good in business and life for our people and community.”

Learn more about environmental stewardship at BMO here.


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